Employment Safari details

include your business in this collaborative project with the Romney Marsh Business Hub, The Marsh Academy and the Education People

This is an invitation to 3 local businesses to make a 10 minute presentation at   hour long ,free sessions in the meeting room at the Romney Marsh Business Hub, Mountfield Road, New Romney with 10 students from  The Marsh Academy. Enabling students to discover directly from local business people how their companies work.

Choose a date from Thursday 23rd May or Friday 24th May or Wednesday 5th June or Thursday 6th June or Monday 17th June or Tuesday 18th June

Choose a session time Session 1 09:15 – 10:15 or Session 2 11:00 – 12:00 or Session 3 12:45 – 13:45 and book! businesssupport@rmbh.uk

Make sure to send a logo and short description of your business to be included in student handouts, your participation will be acknowledged on social media.